About Girl Squad
Girl Squad is all about connecting, learning valuable life skills and FUN!! The role of play, games, and meeting new people in building confidence and self-esteem in kids has been well documented by research. All our sessions will help build confidence and self-esteem by encouraging girls to interact and share with each other plus they have a lot of fun together and are making safe, personal connections.
Each week, we will cover a different theme like friendship, trying new things, body acceptance, communication, self-care, conflict management, etc. that will teach new skills and further help build their self-worth.
Groups are divided by age to ensure conversations are age-appropriate and skills taught can be applied to their day-to-day lives based on where they are developmentally. Groups are 1st to 3rd grade, 3rd to 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade and 8th grade.
Third grade has the option to be the oldest of the younger group or, for those 3rd graders who are more on the mature side, they may join the 4th and 5th graders.
Girl Squad Program Includes:
Weekly Girl Squad sessions include discussion around that month’s theme, a craft, and movement activity. Each member will receive a program workbook that lays out the themes for each month and activities for each session. Because girls will keep their workbooks at the studio, so they have them for each session, parents will receive an electronic copy so they are aware of what their daughters are learning and may continue these important conversations at home.
Monthly Special Events with partnering businesses in the community that are as committed to empowering young girls as we are at Free to Be. Some events will even be for parents to join in the fun! Past event partners: School of Rock, Athleta, Fierce Wellness and Laughing Buck Farm.
Girls Night Out is focused on building a community of girls supporting girls and activities promote meeting new people, being inclusive, celebrating differences, and of course, having fun. GNO will include discussion, activities, games, pizza, and snacks (girls are free to bring their own dinner as well), and an age-appropriate movie towards the end of the night. GNO is a chance for girls to connect with friends and make new ones plus it gives parents some time to hit the town for a night out of their own!

girl squad leader